- Co-curricular Activities :
Many Co-curricular activities are provided for the students. These includes Drawings, Painting, Gymnastics, Karate, Yoga, SARS, Work experience, Quiz, Club such as Philately, Science, Literary, Nature and Adventure. While a student can not take part in all these activities during the same year, opportunity exists for getting exposure to all of them during his stay in this school. It is compulsory for a student to take part in them, however he/she may choose to be in one which interests him. Opportunities also exist to take part in Health club activities and the School Bank. Essay, Debate, Handwriting, Craft and Elocution competitions are held every year. Students are also sent for Inter-School, Inter-State, National and International level competitions.
- Assessment :
Assignments, Projects, Unit Test, Weekly Test, Monthly Test and Terminal Exams are conducted in all the subjects for a continuous assessment throughout the academic year and as a feed back to the teacher to evaluate the methodology used. Report card with the performance of students are sent to his/her parents after the each test. The Test/Exam answer scripts and work sheets files are also sent to home for parents signature. His/her performance in curricular and co – curricular activities is also reported.
- Additional Coaching :
Students who are fund weak in studies are given additional coaching by the regular teacher in the concerned subjects after regular class hours in order to make the weak students catch up to the level of the other classmates. No special fee is charged for this.
- Test :
Four unit tests and revision test (after every unit) will be conducted. The examination and text answer scripts will be returned to the students after correction. Parents should scrutinize the answer scripts and sign them and take necessary steps at the earliest. Students should file the answer scripts in their test files.
- Project Books :
To encourage the habit of reading reference books and other books connected to the subjects, project work connected to the lessons are done. This also helps to create an interest in studies. Parents are requested to co – operate when the children are asked to collect picture etc.,
- Dramatics :
In order to train students in dramatics, various types of activities, such as mono-acting, mimicry, drama, dance etc., are taken up every week. Encourage your child to take part in these activities.
- Remedial Steps For Slow Learners :
Slow learners will be given extra attention and extra coaching to come up to the level of the peer group. A resource centre named Sanjeevini has been set up to offer counseling and guidance to student and parents.
- Evaluation of Performance :
Evaluation of performance is done in specific academic skills like reading, writing, spelling, comprehension, speech, attention span etc., periodically. Suggestions for improvement are also given to children. Parents are instructed to follow the same to help the children to improve.
- In Service Training Programme :
A number of orientation programes and training programes are conducted to keep the teachers abreast of recent trends in the methodology of teaching different subjects.